28th European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR 2006) 10th - 12th April 2006, Imperial College London We are seeking the submission of high-quality and original research papers and posters that have not been previously published and are not under review for another conference or journal. Submissions will be reviewed by experts on the basis of the originality of the work, the validity of the results, chosen methodology, writing quality and the overall contribution to the field of Information Retrieval. Papers whose sole or main author is a young researcher and in particular, postgraduate student or postdoc researcher are especially welcome. Papers that demonstrate a high level of research adventure or which break out of the traditional IR paradigms are particularly welcome. Topics of interest include but are not limited to the following areas: IR models * Searching, browsing, meta-searching, data fusion, filtering and indexing * Text and content classification, mining, extraction, summarisation * Topic detection and tracking * Personalised, collaborative or user-adaptive IR, recommender systems, User aspects * User modelling, user studies, user interaction in IR systems * Novel user interfaces for IR systems * Visualisation and presentation of queries, search results or content * Multimodal aspects IR system architectures * Distributed and peer to peer IR * Parallel IR * Mobile IR * Open, interoperable and flexible * Compression, performance, optimisation Content representation and processing * IR and structured contents, e.g. XML based * Unstructured contents * Meta information and structures Evaluation * Building test collections and metrics * Experimental design * User-oriented and user-centred test and evaluation Multimedia and cross-media IR * Speech retrieval * Image and video retrieval * Digital music, radio and broadcast retrieval IR applications * Mobile and ubiquitous IR * Digital libraries * Semantic web * Geographical IR * Integration, database and IR technologies * Bioinformatics, Medical Informatics and Chemical Informatics It is intended that all accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings by Springer-Verlag in the Lecture Notes in Computer Science series (http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/index.html). The proceedings will be distributed to all delegates at the Conference. Submissions must be in English, which is the official language of the conference. Paper submissions must not exceed 15 pages including references and figures. Papers should be submitted as PDF files through the conference web site. Submission templates and guidelines are available for download at the following address: http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/authors.html. Call for posters Poster presentations offer researchers a unique opportunity to present late-breaking results, significant work in progress or research that is best communicated in an interactive or graphical format, for which there is more time for discussion and questions than is sometimes available in a full paper session. Poster presentations are also a good way to present work applying information retrieval approaches and techniques to new domains and problems. Please note, however, that posters describing work at the proposal stage cannot be accepted. Poster submissions are welcomed in any of the areas identified in the call for papers. All accepted posters will be published in the conference proceedings. Submissions must be in English and must not exceed 4 pages including references and figures. Posters should be submitted as PDF files through the conference web site. Submission templates and guidelines are available for download at the Springer authors home page. Call for Panels: Brave new topics We are seeking panel proposals that will provide an opportunity for exploration of current important issues and emerging opportunities in IR. Panel proposals should address controversial issues in IR and must be debate-oriented rather than a series of short presentations. The panel proposal should be a 2-pages document that includes the topic title, a short statement about the importance and relevance of the panel and the potential issues of controversy, a tentative list of questions that will be posed to the panellists, a list of confirmed panellists along with their affiliation and a short bio of each panellist. Each panellist should have a position statement or "role" in the panel. The name of the moderator of the panel should also be provided (in particular, if different from the proposer). A 2-page description of the panel will be included in the proceedings. The panel proposal should be sent to Mounia Lalmas (e-mail: mounia@dcs.qmul.ac.uk) in PDF or text format. The important dates will be as follows: Paper submission: Friday 04 November 2005 Poster submission: Monday 14th November 2005 Panel submission: Monday 21st November 2005 Review submission by referees: Wednesday 7th December 2005 PC Meeting: Wednesday 14th December 2005 Acceptance/rejection notification: Friday 16th December 2005 Submission of camera-ready copy: Monday 16th January 2006 Conference: 10th to 12th April 2006