Instrumentation of Synchronous Reactive Models
Performance Engineering
A. Valderruten Vidal
M. Vilares Ferro
J. Graña Gil
Synchronous Reactive Modelling provides an optimal framework for the
modular decomposition of programs that engage in complex patterns of
deterministic interaction, such as many real-time and communication
entities. This paper presents an approach which includes performance
modelling techniques in the Synchronous Reactive Modelling method
supported by
It defines a methodology based on timing
and probabilistic quantitative constructs which complete the
functional models. A monitoring mechanism provides performance results
during the simulation. This methodology is applied to a protocol
modelling case study. Performance metrics are computed and compared
with known reference results.
Key words: Performance Engineering, Synchronous Reactive Models,
Real-Time & Embedded Systems, Model Development, Instrumentation,
Simulation and Monitoring.
Work partially supported by the project XUGA10501A93 of the Xunta de Galicia,
the Autonomous Government of Galicia.
Jorge Graña Gil