Manuel Vilares Ferro
Miguel Angel Alonso Pardo
David Cabrero Souto
in C. MartÃn Vide (ed.), Lenguajes Naturales y Lenguajes Formales XII, pp. 555-562. PPU, Barcelona, Spain, 1996. ISBN 84-477-0575-7.
We propose an interactive development environment for the automatic generation of natural language analyzers from definite clause grammars. Our system has benn baptized GALENA, and it is organized around a generator of logical push-down automata, which are interpreted in dynamic programming. An extensible user graphical interface provides a complete set of customization and trace facilities for the system. In relation to previous approaches, our proposal guarantees operational completeness and correctness at the time that efficiency increases.
Keywords: Definite Clause Grammar, Push-Down Automaton, Language Prototyping.